Hot mom white trendy stroller the mommy couture blog

Hey mamas and mamas-to-be,

As you already know when the baby comes into your life the whole world revolves around him/her! That is exactly how I feel now that I have my baby girl and this is exactly why my first post is about Babies. To be specific, its about baby gadgets and necessities that I personally cannot live without and hope that it may help those mamas in search for something similar.

When I was pregnant shopping for baby stuff I was looking for 3 things: stylish, easy to clean, and natural (without harsh dangerous chemicals). Here I will only mention the big things such as strollers, high chairs and bassinets. From the day my princess entered this World I found that those 3 things were the most important and helpful in those first few hard weeks (and even now!).

So, to start with the bassinet: my LO (little one) would NOT sleep on anything hard or uncomfortable. We had to return a bunch of bassinets until a friend of mine gave me her DockaTot to try. And ahh did it make a difference! Just looking at it, i wouldn’t mind sleeping in it myself 🙂 Its great for safe co-sleeping, easy to transport (out of the house as well). And babies just LOVE them! My Sophie always sleeps so cozy in there and it makes it so much easier to pick her up to breastfeed or give her a bottle during the night without getting out of bed. The only thing if I may suggest, if you have a chance get a patterned cover as the color White can get yellowish quickly from all the spit ups and poops (!). DockaTot is made in Estonia from all natural cotton and comes in 2 sizes: Deluxe and Grand. My baby outgrew her Deluxe at about 4 months and now sleeps in her brand new Grand version that you can supposedly use until 3 years old.

Baby DockaTot Grand bassinet feature the mommy couture blog

The second most helpful thing for me was/is: the high chair! Its important to get one that is manufactured in reclining mode so you can use it even with newborns (with a newborn booster cushion). It is also very important to get one that is easy to clean, especially for when you start feeding solids. The one I have I am super happy with: the Peg Perego Siesta High Chair. The seat is made of leather so its a breeze to clean, and the chair has wheels so you can move it around. And the height of it also helps as your LO can join you at your dining table like a grown up and be at the same eye level as you.

Peg Perego Siesta High Chair


The last thing I wanted to mention is a stroller. You will probably be taking many walks when you have your baby so its good to invest in one thats easy to clean and manage and lets not forget a stylish one! I initially wanted to get the most stylish one I’ve seen, the Stokke Stroller. But after checking out its price tag plus all the add ons and accessories and their price tags, I decided to keep on looking. My second choice was a beautiful stroller by Mima Xari. The price tag for it was quite high as well but at least it included all the accessories and was made from easy to clean leather. Then, by chance I came across a similar one that was $1,000 less! The only difference is that its made in China. On the outside it looks almost the same as Mima Stroller: beautiful white or brown PU leather, oval egg shape with beautiful pink cushion seat (or baby blue for boys) and a nice height to make it easy to interact with your child or go to the restaurant without needing a high chair. And of course I liked the brand name: HOT MOM. A bit of a funny and strange name but hey, you are one hot mom so why not!

Hot mom trendy white baby stroller

I hope this post helped you a little with your decision and feel free to leave me a comment below or contact me with any questions!


Now I include my other favorites in Baby Essentials, click on the links to read more about them.




My stroller by HOT MOM can be found HERE



Hi, im Oxana- Fashion & Lifestyle Mommy Blogger based in Miami. Thanks for following along my style and adventures.

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